شهادة تسجيل معلومات
Information Registration Certificate

رقم التسجيل 2022106128 Registration No.
بيانات التسجيل Registration Information
اسم الجهة المُسجَلَة مؤسسة الحسام المتميزة لتطبيقات وخدمات ويب نظم المعلومات الجيومكانية
Organization´s Name
رقم التسجيل 2022106128 Registration Number
تاريخ الإصدار 2022-10-20 Issuance Date
تاريخ الانتهاء 2023-10-20 Expiry Date
بيانات الجهه Organization Information
رقم السجل التجاري 5900135979 C.R.No.
تاريخ انتهاء السجل التجاري 2023-07-28 Expiry Date
بيانات تصنيف الأعمال Business Classification


  • End-user Applications
  • Business Software

Information Technology Services

  • Support and Maintenance
  • Systems Integration &Development

Based on the regulation of the communications and information technology sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia issued by Cabinet Resolution No. (74) dated 3/5/1422 AH and amended by Resolution No. (133) dated 5/21/1424 AH and its implementing regulations, and based on the confirmation of Cabinet Resolution No. (292 ) and on the date of 4/27/1441 AH, in Article VII of the continuation of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the Authority in accordance with its terms of reference stipulated in the Communications Law and the organization of the Authority in regulating what is related to information technology, the Authority issued this registration for the company / institution mentioned above, in accordance with the general terms and conditions And to provide this service.

  • To view the general and special terms and conditions for providing the service, one can refer to the Authority's website (citc.gov.sa).
  • To validate the registration, please scan the code at the top of the certificate
  • The certificate is considered revoked in the event that the company's commercial registration expires